Sunday, February 20, 2011

Review: In Plain Sight; Seeing God's Signature Throughout Creation by Charles R. Gordon

The myriad of devotional instruction books out there start running together after a while.  This one is different for two reasons.  First is that it comes from the perspective of a scientist and not a spiritual director or theologian.  Second is due to the fact that I can review the author and not just the work. Charley is the neurosurgeon that did a delicate back surgery on my wife last September.  He is the first surgeon that prayed with us and he exhibits Christ with integrity.

Charley Gordon, MD provides visual explosion of God's creation.  Pictures and a daily/weekly Bible reading lead the reader through the process of seeing the seen and the un-seeable.  For example, a photo of  a finger print that is paired with a photo of zebra stripes  followed by a short and sincere commentary on God's unity in diversity. With this is an invitation to set a tone for seeing our lives more clearly throughout the day.  This is more than a book full of pretty pictures or scientific oddities.  The woods are full of those.  "Plain Sight"  moves the reader to a deeper walk with God in Christ. I like the book.  It is good for the observant Christian and the seeker alike,  anyone looking for a smart, honest and spiritual way to find faith into the invisible part of creation.

The book is available through his ministry at or from Amazon.  The website also offers other articles of interest, Dr. Gordon's online journal and a newsletter.  Buy two copies.  This is one to share with someone who is seeking more of the spiritual life.   

In Plain Sight: Seeing God's Signature throughout Creation

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