Friday, September 19, 2014

Cafe au Lait on the cheap without an Expresso Machine

Time for something different. I usually only drink strong black coffee and live in a small town where the nearest fru-fru coffee place is two towns over.  Include my frugal unwillingness to spend $5 for a coffee or $100 for an expresso machine and creativity has to kick in.  I read in a newsfeed that you can "Steam" milk for coffee in a microwave oven.  
After a little experimenting, here is my personal Cafe au Lait.  

You can also add cinnamon, cocoa, vanilla, real sugar,honey or whatever makes you happy.  Using the press, the cost for this cup is just shy of forty cents.  Walmart even carries disposable coffee shop cups if you are in to that!  This recipe fits into a 20 ounce travel mug.

Start with your favorite coffee.  I add a table spoon of Splenda also.  This is better with dark roast from my coffee press, this takes about 10 minutes,  but quicker from the Keurig, which take about 3 minutes.  Use what you brew's.

Shake 1/3 cup of cold 1% milk in a closed jar for the time it takes the Keurig to brew or for a full minute.  I haven't tried it with higher fat milk.  Should make more foam and come out a little sweeter.

Take off the lid and microwave  for 40 seconds-you may have to experiment with your oven.

The milk will foam to the top of the jar.  Let it settle for a second before you handle it. Pour it into the sweetened coffee and scoop out the foam  onto the top of your cup and enjoy  

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