David Murrow asks a valid question in his title. Why do men hate going to church? What do you do about the gender gap in the church? He spends the first half of the book defining his terms, proving there is a gap and pointing out the church's failings in focused detail. Has the church become a ladies club? Have we given up on the risen Christ as a "real man?" Is there any thing to do about it.
The author also includes bolsters the book with an excellent presence on the web. His site, churchformen.com offers helps that are consistent with the book including a helpful pop quiz or "Guy Friendliness Test". He also has a speaker's board. My church,deep in cowboy country in Texas, and I failed this text. I am a real guy, ok? This book opened my eyes to the guy repelling habits that I have and our church pays little attention to. The hugging thing, getting the scriptural Jesus's story right, handling prayer, basics of ministry to and other things are fairly simple to fix. This can be done without minimizing women and the holistic ministry of the church too. Murrow puts ministry to men on the "front burner" and then tells us ways to attract them.
I recommend this book highly to pastors, all age level ministers, Christian educators and worship leaders. This would help a Godly and frustrated wife or mom to understand her men. "Why Men Hate Going to Church" would probably not be a small group study but that is guy repelling anyway. It would be a super staff study and focus book for any Men's Group or ministry.
Would you like some application and additional thoughts. This topic is a big concern of mine and you can read this and some extra notes on my other blog, http://geekfornonfiction.blogspot.com
Tyndale publishing gave me this book through their BookSneeze program for free in exchange for this review. They expected and received my honest evaluation. Thanks to them for the opportunity to read it and thank you for reading my review.
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