Thursday, July 21, 2011

Photos of the Day: Pelican Wings

Pelicans are majestic.  I watched these guys fish the surf for about 30 minutes from a hotel balcony.  They move as a team-always as a team,a stream of motion, changing places, following then taking the lead, all in their own space but sharing the direction.  From the distance, they appear as a solid block but as they get closer you see their struggle, you see them share that struggle and keep moving.  They seek food, rest and shelter together without a word.  This flock makes their home about 1/2 mile away, huddled on the pilings of a ruined gift shop's piers.But they are pure poetry as they take wing.

There is a sermon here somewhere.  This is how a family, a church family or any group of humans should work.   They family unit does not take away individuality or the struggle but put it into focused motion.  Dis-function is when the motion stops and the family gets stuck.  No one is safe or fed "on the pier".  I grieve over the church and other hurting families when they lose sight of the flight, the shared journey, and the joy of following the risen Christ together.  Not everyone can be trusted as your wing-man.  Not every group functions in sync.  Disfunction, bad group health, isn't struggle, it is being struck in the struggle alone.  You are not alone in your struggle for food, rest and shelter.  God is with you and you experience the poetry of life as take wing with God's people. It is risky but you either need someone today or someone needs you.  Find your flock through prayer and worship. 

God's blessings to you as you fly with Christ today.  

I lift up my eyes to the hills- Where does my help come from? 
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip 
-He who watches over you will not slumber; 
(Psalm 121)

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